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Back to the City with Leona

Whether we like to admit it or not, summer is sadly coming to an end… Most of us have returned from our vacations and are slowly adjusting to the fast-paced city life. I believe you’ve recharged your batteries and hope you’ve had the summer of your dreams—carefree, happy, and exactly as you wanted it to be.

To help you transition back into the city rhythm and all the responsibilities that awaited you after your vacation, Leona Paraminski and I have put together some fantastic outfits that exude timeless elegance and are suitable for all occasions, whether professional or personal. Known for her effortless elegance, Leona has chosen her favorite A’marie pieces (some of which are waiting for you in our big summer sale) and showed us how to wear them with a dose of sophistication and her signature casual touch. What she revealed to me in our little conversation, you can find out below…



You spent spring at home, in your Zagreb. What does Zagreb mean to you? Do you see yourself there again?

Zagreb has always been and always will be my home. Zagreb is part of my identity, both personally and professionally. My family is here, my best friends, my career started here. There are many factors that define me here, I have a lot of memories. And yes, I hope to see you soon in Zagreb.

I believe life on the other side of the world is quite different from the one you had in Zagreb. What do you miss the most over there? What would you bring there if you could, and what from that life would you like to have here?

Everything in California is practically different. I miss the spontaneity in social interactions. I love the city and walking through it, I love when I run into someone and spontaneously go for a coffee. That’s not a thing here. I miss being able to do everything on foot, without having to get in a car for every little thing. I miss our food. I miss honest exchanges of opinions, even if we don’t necessarily agree, although that epidemic, unfortunately, has already spread everywhere. Of course, I miss my longtime friends, but now I have also made some beautiful friendships here, some of which I believe will last a lifetime… As for the reverse situation, Americans are generally much friendlier, more open, and certainly more polite, although I do love our directness and gloominess, or rather a mild grumpiness, it’s humorous. But this is all speaking generally because comparisons differ depending on where you live in the same country, let alone when comparing two such different countries. It’s not the same if you live in Dalmatia, Istria, or Zagreb, or in New York, the West Coast, or the Midwest of America, so it’s really hard to compare without generalizing too much. If I could choose where to live in America, I believe my habitus would be more suited to living on the East Coast.

What are your favorite Zagreb addresses and places you always return to?

After Covid and the earthquake, many of my favorite places have unfortunately closed, but a few spots from the old times remain that I love, so I often go to them. For burek, I go to Dolac, and for coffee, I always go to my friends Matija and Hannah, who have Cogito cafes around the city. Igor’s Lari & Penati is our traditional spot that I usually visit with my sister and brother-in-law. I’m also discovering new places. Now others are showing me their new spots for coffee, restaurants. But since I spent a lot of time living on Martićeva Street, I naturally and gladly return to that part of the city, especially since that neighborhood has really come alive in the last few years, it’s even more beautiful than before. For example, I really love Britanac. I like small cafes, new places where I can just sit and have a coffee.

You’ve always maintained a timeless style with a touch of casual elegance. How would you describe your style?

Well, similar to how you described it. Simple, casual, comfortable. I’m definitely not trendy, I don’t follow trends—unfortunately or fortunately.

What would be your ‘on the go’ uniform?

A white or black t-shirt and jeans.

Do you remember your first encounter with the A’MARIE brand? What’s the first association that comes to mind?

That was many, many years ago when you were just starting your career. The association is minimalism and neutrality, airiness, quiet luxury.



What’s your A’MARIE favorite in your wardrobe? How do you plan to style it?

The short trench coat. Ideal for everyday life, especially in California, where people usually dress in layers due to the combination of cold wind and strong sun, so this piece from your spring collection is just perfect for my life here because I can wear it year-round, and it’s great for various occasions. It’s striking enough yet neutral, so it goes with everything.


What do you feel best in? Do you have a go-to outfit that you always pull out of the closet when you want to shine?

I definitely feel best in chic, yet comfortable pieces. As for outfits, well, yes and no, because somehow after a while, I get tired of those safe combinations, especially if I’ve worn them a lot, I get bored, so they end up untouched in the closet for years. I actually don’t believe there’s an outfit in which you always shine because style does change and evolves over the years, so even for those combinations in which I felt great at some point in my life, I think I’d need to at least tweak and update them now…

What is a beautiful woman to you?

Someone who carries what she is with confidence. Confident and true to herself. We are all beautiful in our own way, there’s no perfection, it’s just a matter of how we carry it. With dignity or not.

How do you spend your free time in Santa Barbara, if you even have any considering you have a little toddler at home?

Unfortunately, I don’t have much free time, but I’ve learned to steal moments for myself. I think time becomes much more precious when you have children. So, when Liv goes to daycare for a short time, I go for long walks, read a book, treat myself to a massage, listen to podcasts, go to the pool, have coffee with friends, and I’m trying to slowly get back into yoga.

And what’s your favorite activity with Liv?

A better question is, what isn’t? (laughs) When she’s home, we do everything together, she loves helping me cook—you can imagine how that looks. I have more cleaning to do after lunch than time to actually make the meal, but it makes her happy. We walk together, go to the store, play, meet up with other moms and kids, go to the beach, to the zoo… Since we don’t have the luxury of grandparents to look after Liv, she’s always with us, and we share all activities because arranging babysitting here needs to be done well in advance. There’s no spontaneity.

Since we’ve touched on little Liv, I’m curious, how has motherhood changed you? What has it taught you?

Patience, endurance. Solitude. I’m the same, but I’m not the same anymore.

Will we be seeing Leona on screen again soon?

Yes, sometime next year the series “Kotlina 2” by Danis Tanović should be released, where I just finished filming before the summer. Also, the filming of “Shadows over the Balkans 3” should begin soon.

5 Quick Questions:

Zagreb or Santa Barbara? Zagreb and sometimes Santa Barbara.

Beaches on the Adriatic or beaches in California? Definitely Adriatic beaches.

Theater or film? Both.

Colors or neutral tones? Generally neutral tones, but lately, I’ve been gravitating towards colors. 

Makeup or no makeup? I love makeup when it’s done well, and no makeup when it suits the situation.

Thanks to boutique hotel HOH for providing the space for the photoshoot.

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